What’s been happening to hip-hop in the last ten years?

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What's been happening to hip hop in the last ten years

What’s been happening to hip hop in the last ten years: We live in the 21st century. Day by day, year by year, life continues to change, and in turn, the tastes of music change with it. Hip Hop is no exception when it comes to this phenomenon. Genres that were once popular can fall out of favor for years before re-emerging to claim their place at the top of the mountain. So what has happened to modern hip-hop? I’ve put together an article detailing some of the most influential acts over the last ten years and where they are now. I’ve also listed a few artists that could eventually become future hip-hop icons.

So… What’s been happening to hip-hop in the last ten years.

The last ten years have been a roller coaster ride for hip-hop fans. We’ve seen the genre grow to new heights and experience some of its darkest moments.

In 2010, Eminem released his album “Recovery.” The album featured hit singles like “Not Afraid” and “Love the Way You Lie,” which became an anthem for many fans. It also contained tracks like “Won’t Back Down” and “25 to Life” that dealt with personal struggles and drug addiction.

Tupac Shakur got inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2013. Tupac was nominated 17 times prior his death in 1996 at age 25. This same year saw the release of Jay-Z’s Magna Carta Holy Grail album, which featured collaborations with artists such as Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, Justin Timberlake, and Frank Ocean, among others.

The following year saw new releases from Kanye West (“Yeezus”) and Kendrick Lamar (“Good Kid M.A.A.D. City”). As well as a tribute album titled “Life Is Good: Music From & Inspired By The Film ParaNorman” featuring artists like Nas, J Cole, and Wiz Khalifa.

The 10 significant changes that happened to hip hop in the last ten years.

What's been happening to hip hop in the last ten years

1. The rise of trap music

2. The death of the mixtape

3. The rise of SoundCloud rap

4. The growing influence of hip-hop in pop music

5. The increased use of Auto-Tune by rappers

6. The increasing prevalence of rapping in other genres, mainly pop and country

7. The increasing prominence of female rappers and female M.C.s in general

8. The shift from rapping about street life to rapping about the struggles of being an artist, or just a person trying to make it through life

9. A new focus on social media as a medium for promotion and distribution (as opposed to mixtapes)

  1. Increased killings/deaths

The rise of trap music:

Hip-hop has been going through many changes in the last ten years. The rise of trap music is one of the biggest.

Trap music is a genre that emerged in the early 2010s, and it’s become one of the most popular forms of hip-hop today. A lot of people don’t know what it is, though—so here’s a quick overview:

Trap music is characterized by its heavy use of drum machine sounds and synthesized bass lines, as well as its slow, melodic beats. It features lots of repetition and often contains samples from other songs or artists (such as Soulja Boy or Chief Keef). Trap rappers often rap with an aggressive tone and use street slang, which can sometimes make it difficult for people unfamiliar with it to understand what they’re saying.

There are a lot of different types within this genre—from “mumble rap” (which features rapping over slower beats) to “mashup rap” (which combines elements from various trap artists). And some people think that trap music is just another name for hip-hop!

The death of the mixtape:

Mixtapes were the original form of hip-hop music. Created by D.J., they often featured new artists or groups and were played on specific radio stations. But in 2000, technology changed everything.

Now it’s possible to make your mixtape online or on your computer—which means that anyone can make their own mixtape! You don’t need a D.J. anymore; you need some audio software and a microphone. Then you can upload your music onto the Internet for others to hear and share with their friends! So now, any artist or group can release their music directly into people’s hands without any intermediary!

It’s easier than ever for artists to get their music out there and reach an audience, even if they have yet to become famous! That means more people are making art now than ever before. But it also means that more people are exposed to new artists who might have never heard of outside their hometowns or regions.

The rise of SoundCloud rap:

In the last decade, hip-hop has seen many changes. The most notable of these is the rise of SoundCloud rap. This genre has brought hip-hop into the digital age, and it has changed the way that people listen to music.

Hip-hop has always been a form of music that uses samples from other artists or songs, but now it’s gotten even more creative with its sampling methods. Instead of just using one artist’s song, you can now use multiple tracks from different artists to create your own unique beat.

For example, if you wanted to make a song about how great Jay Z is, you could sample his entire catalog: “99 Problems” by Jay Z (the original), “99 Problems” by Kanye West (the remix), “99 Problems” by Drake (the remix). You could also go with something less explicit. Like sampling just one line from each song and putting them together in a new way! This type of creativity makes SoundCloud rap different from other types of hip-hop music.

The growing influence of hip hop in pop music:

Hip Hop has been around for over 40 years, but there has been a significant shift in the last ten years.

First, hip-hop has become more mainstream in the last ten years. Hip-hop is now a part of pop culture, and you can’t avoid it. It’s even in everything from movies to commercials, and T.V. shows to video games!

There are also many more artists trying to make their mark on the scene now than there were ten years ago. It’s harder than ever to get noticed by big record labels because so many people are making music now. But if you’re an artist who doesn’t care about that stuff. Like Lil Uzi Vert or Post Malone you can still find success without signing with a major label.

The other thing that’s changed is how much money hip-hop artists make from their music sales. In the past ten years, only 12% of hip-hop artists created more than $100k per year from their music sales alone (and even then, it was only about half that amount). Now that number is up to 30%.

The increased use of Auto-Tune by rappers:

If you’ve listened to hip-hop music over the last ten years, you’ve likely heard an artist using Auto-Tune. It’s become so common in hip-hop that it can be hard to imagine a time when it was virtually unheard of. But if you thought back even five years ago. Which is generally considered the beginning of Auto-Tune’s widespread usage. You’ll find that most rappers who used it were still trying to produce something “real.”

But then came 2012, when Drake released his first mixtape. And on it was a song called “Hotline Bling,” which used Auto-Tune so extensively that people started calling it “bling.” The song became an instant hit, and soon after, everyone wanted to try out their version with Auto-Tune (and sometimes other sounds).

Since then, rappers have been using Auto-Tune more than ever before—for a good reason: It makes your voice sound better than ever!

The increasing prevalence of rapping in other genres, mainly pop and country:

Hip-hop has seen a significant shift in the last ten years in its evolution. It’s no longer the only genre of music that incorporates rapping—now, other genres are using rap as a means of expression.

The increasing prevalence of rapping in other genres. has been attributed to the fact that rappers can now make money off of their craft without relying on record label deals. Or playing instruments because streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music allow artists to monetize their work without going through a major label.

Leading to even more rappers trying out other genres and experimenting with new styles and techniques than they would have done in the past, which means that we’re getting more variety in our music than ever before!

The increasing prominence of female rappers and female M.C.s in general:

Hip-hop has been experiencing some significant changes in the last ten years, and it’s all because of the increasing prominence of female rappers and female MCs in general. These are women who are making their music, who aren’t just singing about sex or drugs or money like so many male hip-hop artists do. They’re talking about relationships and what it’s like to be a woman in this world—and they’re doing it in a way that feels both authentic and refreshingly new.

We’re seeing more female rappers now than ever before! Just check out some of these names: Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, and Azealia Banks… And there are so many more out there! Hip-hop truly integrates women into its culture in a way that has never happened before.

The shift from rapping about street life to rapping about the struggles of being an artist or just a person trying to make it through life:

Hip-hop has become a much more inclusive art form in the last ten years. From rapping about street life to rapping about the struggles.

Hip-hop artists have been using this new approach for a while now. It started with Jay-Z’s “99 Problems” in 2005 and continued through Kanye West’s “Stronger” in 2007 and Kendrick Lamar’s “Humble” in 2017.

Now, you’ll see artists like Cardi B and Nicki Minaj, known for their rapping skills, great personalities, and colorful fashion sense. You’ll see rappers who use their music as a platform to speak out against social injustice (like JAY-Z) or even talk about what they like doing on the weekend (like Drake).

The way we listen to music has also changed over this period; we’re not just listening to songs anymore, but entire albums or collections of songs that tell stories about our lives—both good ones.

A new focus on social media as a medium for promotion and distribution (as opposed to mixtapes):

Many of these changes have come about because of how people use social media to promote and distribute music.

One significant change is that people are moving away from mixtapes as a medium for promoting and distributing their music. Instead, they focus on using social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook to promote their music. This shift has caused a lot of controversy in the music industry because it means that artists can only earn money from their work if they sell out large venues or albums rather than playing shows at smaller venues where tickets cost less per ticket sold.

Another significant change is that there is now a greater emphasis on making sure each song is unique. Either by being different genres or having memorable lyrics or beats. So that it stands out among others without being too similar to anything else already out there.”

Increased killings/deaths:

The murder of XXXTentacion in June 2018, for example, was a major tragedy for the genre. But it also sent shockwaves through hip-hop as a whole. As an armed robbery suspect in Miami gunned him down, XXXTentacion made a name for himself as a rapper pushing boundaries and speaking out about issues like police brutality and racism. His death was tragic, but it also pressured other artists to speak out more boldly about these issues—and they did!

In addition to XXXTentacion’s death. Many other rappers have been killed in recent years: Lil Peep (2017), Nipsey Hussle (2018), Mac Miller (2018)… And that’s just naming a few! These deaths have pressured other rappers to speak out more openly about their struggles with drugs or mental health issues. The result has been an increase in honesty in all forms of hip-hop music—from lyrics to videos to album art designs.

Conclusion: What’s been happening to hip hop in the last ten years

The last ten years have been a wild ride for hip-hop.

The rise of trap music and its influence on mainstream pop music has significantly shifted the industry. The death of the mixtape, partly due to the rise of SoundCloud rap, has also impacted hip-hop culture. The growing influence of hip-hop in pop music and its increasing prevalence within other genres has been another significant change in the industry. Also, rappers have increased the use of Auto-Tune, which has led to some exciting developments for the genre.

Another significant development is that rapping about street life is no longer all that important to artists (or at least, not as much as it used to be). Instead, we’re seeing a lot more focus on the struggles of being an artist or just a person trying to make it through life. And the shift reflected how many female rappers are becoming more prominent in hip-hop culture than ever before.

Finally, social media is becoming increasingly important as a medium for promotion and distribution—as opposed to mixtapes—which has led us into an era where artists can reach their fans more efficiently than ever before.

This article is written by @MusicInformant // All Rights Reserved.

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