Why do rappers associate with gangs?

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Why do rappers associate with gangs?

Why do rappers associate with gangs: Is it because hip-hop artists want to give the gangsta persona to their lyrics? Or is there some fundamental reason why they are in so many videos with graffiti and street stuff? The truth is they are not involved in criminal activity just because of how they portray themselves.

So, why do rappers associate with gangs?

Rappers have always been associated with gangs. The first hip-hop song, “Rapper’s Delight”, was about rapping about gang life. This is because the lifestyle of a rapper and a gang member are very similar. They live in poor areas and deal with violence and crime. They also want to make money and be famous. So they become involved in illegal activities like drug dealing, robbery, and murder.

The rapper himself is not necessarily a criminal. Still, he may have friends who are criminals, and he will support them by writing songs about their exploits. For example, Tupac Shakur wrote many songs about his violent encounters with rival gangs such as the Bloods or Crips. (for example: “California Love”). Music writers often use real-life experiences as inspiration for their work because they feel it gives them more depth than fictional stories would offer. (for example: “Gangsta Nation” by Ice Cube).

10 Reasons Why do rappers Association with Gangs?

Why do rappers associate with gangs?
  1. To gain street credibility
  2. For protection
  3. To make money
  4. To search for a father figure
  5. To release their anger and frustration
  6. To feel loved and accepted
  7. Because they were born into a gang family
  8. To be like their idols
  9. Because they have no other choice but to join a gang to survive on the streets
  10. Because they want to be seen as a tough person

To gain street credibility

The association of rappers with gangs has become a popular trend in hip-hop. Rappers like Jay-Z and 50 Cent have been known to associate themselves with gangs, which has helped them gain street credibility. The gang associations help rappers earn respect from their peers and fans. The gang associations also help increase their sales because of the popularity it brings them.

For protection

The reason why rappers associate with gangs is to protect themselves. The gang will help them escape from the police, especially if they are wanted. They can also protect from other units and rival rappers. Rappers also associate with gang members because they want to be cool. Which is what many people do when they are young. They think it will make them look better among their peers if they hang out with people with money and power. But it only sometimes works out this way.

To make money

They think that by associating themselves with a gang, they will be able to generate more income and get more fans. However, they need to be corrected because hard work and talent are the only way to make money.

In addition to this, rappers believe that by associating themselves with gangsters. They will increase their reputation as well as their chances of getting famous.

To search for a father figure

In the song “Shook Ones (Part II)” by Mobb Deep, Prodigy raps: “I’m a product of the system like my father was/ But I’m a product of my own decisions.” This lyric reveals that he associates with gangs because he wants to be like his father, who was also in a gang.

Another reason rappers associate with gangs is to provide for their families or even just themselves. In the song “Get Rich or Die Tryin'” by 50 Cent, he says: “My mother used to say, ‘Son, you gotta make your way.'” In this lyric, 50 Cent references his past as a gang member and explains how he could make money through illegal means.

To release their anger and frustration

It is exciting to know why rappers associate with gangs. In this article, we will discuss why rappers are affiliated with gangs.

The first reason is that they want to release their anger and frustration. In this case, they believe being in a gang will help them eliminate their inner rage. They only have a few friends or support systems as they grow up. Being part of a gang gives them an outlet for all the negative emotions they may feel. It also helps them feel part of something bigger than themselves, making them feel important and needed.

Another reason why rappers associate with gangs is that it makes them feel like they are making a difference in the world around them. They can make more money from selling drugs than any other job available then; therefore, some rappers choose this route instead of working at McDonald’s or Target (for example). This means that rappers can provide for their families and have enough money left over for themselves to buy nice things like cars or jewellery, etcetera (which most likely would only happen if they stayed in trouble).

To feel loved and accepted

The reason why rappers associate with gangs is to feel loved and accepted. The life of a rapper is tough, they don’t have any friends, and their classmates and teachers are constantly leaving them out. To make things worse, they get bullied all the time. They feel lonely and want someone who understands them. They find comfort in joining gangs because they are shown that they are not alone by other gang members who also feel lonely like them.

Because they were born into a gang family

The first thing to know is that rappers are only sometimes associated with gangs. Many rappers’ involvement in gang culture is due to their upbringing and family history. Many famous rappers come from a background of poverty and struggle, often leading them to turn to gangs for support and security. Rappers often use rap to cope with their circumstances, so it’s no surprise that many young people turn to the streets for guidance during difficult times.

However, some rappers embrace gang life instead of shying away from it. Some even use their association with gangs to gain fame and notoriety in the rap community. They may glorify violence or drug dealing by associating themselves with notorious figures like Tupac Shakur or Biggie Smalls. These artists may also wear clothing items like baseball caps or bandanas that represent their affiliation with particular gangs or criminal organizations such as Bloods or Crips (both street gangs).

To be like their idols

The association between rappers and gangs has been a long-standing one. This is because many rappers come from low-income neighbourhoods and want to emulate the lifestyle of their favourite rap artists. They want to be like the gangsters in their favourite songs, so they join a gang.

Many rappers have been forced to leave their homes because their families disapproved of their music careers. They were also kicked out of school for skipping classes to write rhymes at home or attend concerts in other cities. Instead of feeling sorry for themselves, these young people chose to make something out of nothing by creating their communities and lifestyles based on what they heard on the radio.

The result is that there are many gangs in poor areas around the world today founded by teenagers who wanted to follow in the footsteps of rap artists like 50 Cent or Tupac Shakur. Many young people who join these gangs have no interest in committing crimes or selling drugs; they want to be part of something bigger than themselves so they can feel empowered when they go back home each day after school ends early due to a lack of funds or resources needed for most students’ success during this time (such as computers or internet access).

Because they have no other choice but to join a gang to survive on the streets

In the world of rap music, rappers aren’t the only ones who are affected by the gang lifestyle. Some rappers were born into gangs, some were forced into them, and others are attracted to the lifestyle and want to be associated with it.

Rappers associate with gangs because they have no choice but to join a crew to survive on the streets. They become part of a group that will protect them from other rival gangs and keep them safe from harm. This is especially important for new artists who still need to gain more experience performing or rapping. If they didn’t have their group of people supporting them, they would probably never make it as far as they did today!

Because they want to be seen as a tough person

The association of rappers with gangs is expected in the United States. When you think of a rapper, what comes to mind? A gang member? You might be right. Rappers are often associated with gangs because they want to be seen as tough people. They want to convince their listeners that they have been through many challenging situations and can deal with them. Rappers also try to portray themselves as controlling their surroundings and problems, precisely what gang members do in real life. In many cases, rappers associate themselves with gangs because they feel like it gives them more credibility when it comes to writing lyrics about gang life, dealing drugs, or committing crimes in general.

Conclusion: Why do rappers associate with gangs?

First off, let me define a Street Gang. A street gang is a group of young men and women who belong to an organization that takes illegal action. Most often, it is related to drugs, theft, and assault. They are more likely to experience criminal behaviour within their family, experiences such as physical abuse or neglect. Now that we have defined Street Gangs let’s dig into why rappers associate with Street Gangs.

The second fact you will learn about Rap Artists is that they come from poorer families or low-income homes where they witness addiction, neglect, and poverty. At an early age, they recognize their potential to make money due to their talent and love for music.

Once they become involved with someone who has succeeded through legal means, they sometimes view them as a role model in making money, earning money legally, and staying out of gangs or organizations that do illegal things. It’s just a dirty stereotype perpetuated by the media and other artists who haven’t made it yourself. Ultimately, it’s about money and popularity regarding Rap Artists affiliating themselves with Street Gangs.

Gang members represent a strong, positive influence in the ghetto. Gangs seek to keep young people away from drugs while instilling pride, hope, and purpose in the lives of inner-city youth. The trend of associating oneself with a gang can be seen as a reaction to the increasing poverty and the wholly failed education system (which are both closely linked) in America. People who can’t find any other way to afford the necessities of life, such as food, water, clothing, and shelter, often join street gangs.

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