Why do young rappers often disrespect Rap icons?

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Why do young rappers often disrespect Rap icons?

Why do young rappers often disrespect Rap icons. Experts say that, more often than not, rappers continue to idolize a Rap icon even after that icon has made comments about the rapper’s rhymes. But many modern-day rappers go further and diss their idols on stage. Have you ever wondered why rappers often do this? Several theories are floating around the web, but we’ll try to solve them in this article.

So… Why do young rappers often disrespect Rap icons?

In hip-hop, there is a lot of respect for the old.

Rappers like Snoop Dogg and Jay-Z still dominate the game. They have been around since the beginning and earned their place in this culture through hard work and dedication.

However, there is one thing that tends to happen when younger artists come into the scene: they start disrespecting their elders. The younger generation tends to feel they should be able to take over without paying respect or even listening to their predecessors.

But why do young rappers disrespect their elders? Well, here are some possibilities:

1) They don’t value their history

2) They don’t understand what it means to be an artist/musician

3) They don’t understand how hard it was for those who came before them

10 Reasons why young rappers often disrespect Rap icons?

10 Reasons why young rappers often disrespect Rap icons?
  1. They need more respect for the craft.
  2. They don’t know their history.
  3. They think they can do it better than the legends.
  4. They need the love of the culture.
  5. They’re a product of their environment.
  6. They’re trying to be different from their predecessors.
  7. They’re trying their hand at new styles and techniques.
  8. They want attention and fame.
  9. The young rapper might not realize how much it means to be acknowledged by a Rap icon.
  10. They’re young and don’t know better.

They lack respect for the craft:

Young rappers often disrespect Rap icons because they lack respect for the craft.

When you are young, and all you know is your own experience, it can be hard to see beyond that. You’re so busy learning to do something yourself, that it’s hard to imagine that there was anything before you. And even harder to imagine that someone else might have done it better than you.

But this isn’t a new phenomenon. The same happens with other young artists in other genres, who take inspiration from what they know (and don’t know) and then move on. In hip-hop, however, it’s easy for young people to get caught up in being “real,” which means not having any influences or limits.

This kind of thinking is dangerous. Because instead of respecting what came before them and learning from their predecessors’ successes and failures. Young rappers will disregard everything about their art form except its newest trends. Leading them to disrespect those who came before them by refusing to acknowledge their contributions. Instead of trying to make themselves seem like pioneers who have never been influenced by anyone else—even though everyone knows that’s not true!

They don’t know their history:

Today’s young rappers tend to disrespect old-school rappers. Because they don’t know their history, so they don’t understand why these people are worthy of respect in the first place.

For example, when Eminem first came out, he was highly criticized by many old-school rappers for being disrespectful. However, this is because Eminem didn’t know his history and didn’t understand why these people were worthy of respect in the first place.

This disrespect towards old-school rappers is not limited to Eminem; other young rappers have also done it. For example, Lil Pump recently called The Notorious B.I.G.’s music trashy, even though Biggie was an icon for many rappers who came after him, including Lil Pump himself!

They think they can do it better than the legends:

Young rappers rarely have the same respect for their predecessors that older rappers have for theirs. Because most young people tend to be more focused on themselves and what they are doing now rather than studying and learning from those who came before them.

Young artists should understand that the history of hip-hop is rooted in the idea that all artists should be respected, regardless of age or race. We have so many great rappers today because they took the time to learn from those who came before them. Young artists should also know that disrespecting an icon in public makes fans angry and less willing to support them.

The sad truth is that many young rappers have no idea who Rakim is—or any other classic rapper, for that matter. They don’t know who Biggie used to be friends with or why Tupac’s lyrics were so important to many people worldwide. They don’t know why their parents used to listen to Biggie and Tupac.

Young Rappers Doesn’t Love The Culture:

Many young rappers disrespect their predecessors because they don’t love the culture. They don’t know who these people are or why they deserve respect.

It’s easy to see why this happens. When you’re young, your life is full of possibilities and potential—you’re just starting on your journey in life, and you haven’t had time to experience all the things that can happen to you throughout a career. You may not understand how much work went into creating what you’re seeing now. You may not realize that the artists you admire today had dreams once, too—and they worked hard to achieve them!

But it’s also important to remember that plenty of older artists want nothing more than for younger generations to learn from. Grow from their example. If we could give young people more opportunities for mentorship and guidance from those who’ve been around longer, this would be less of an issue!

They’re a product of their environment:

Young rappers are often disrespectful to rap icons because they’re a product of their environment.

The fact that young rappers are often disrespectful to rap icons has nothing to do with whether or not they respect them. It’s just that their lives are different than those of the older generation.

They’re products of their environment; part of that environment is the internet. They see people like Drake and Kendrick Lamar making millions from music, and they want in on it too. So they try to make it big by putting out music as quickly as possible without learning about hip-hop’s history or what makes it great.

But there’s another reason so many young rappers disrespect rap icons: they think they can get away with it. They don’t realize that many people will see through their facade and call them out on it, including other artists and fans alike!

When we see an artist disrespecting another artist in this way, we feel like they’re doing something wrong—and that’s because we know how critical respecting others’ work is. We know how hard these artists worked to put out albums full of hits that people still love today!

They’re trying to be different from their predecessors:

They’re trying their hand at new styles and techniques:

First, let’s get one thing straight: You don’t have to be old to respect someone else’s talent. If you’re going to be a successful rapper, you should understand that the genre has deep roots and has been around for decades (and even centuries in some cases).

When young rappers try to hop on this bandwagon without knowing where their predecessors came from & what they did to build up the genre. They often disrespect their predecessors simply by not understanding how much work went into creating the music they love so much.

But what if we could change all of that?
What if instead of looking at these new artists as disrespectful and disrespectful people who should shun away from their craft, we looked at them as apprentices who needed guidance?

They want attention and fame:

As a rapper, you have to be ready to face some resistance. From the very beginning of your career, you’ll be around people who will try to tear you down.

And it’s no surprise that this happens so often. Rappers are constantly in the public eye, and everyone wants to get famous. So when a young rapper comes up with a new song or album, their fans might not always be on board—especially if the artist is going against what the fans think is “the norm.”

But some young rappers take it too far. They disrespect one of rap’s most significant artists and legends—and that’s when they cross the line.

As an up-and-coming artist myself. I know how hard it is to resist the urge to lash out at someone, just because they’re doing something different from you. Maybe they disagree with your views on certain things (like what type of music should be played at concerts).

But taking shots at an established artist like Tupac Shakur or Notorious B.I.G. is disrespectful and can also hurt your career!

The young rapper might not realize how much it means to be acknowledged by a Rap icon:

It’s not that they’re ignorant of the fact that they’re being dissed. It’s just that they don’t understand why it matters so much. Many young rappers don’t see their role in the world as one other can respect. Bbecause they haven’t yet been around long enough to see themselves as iconic or influential.

And when you’re young, it’s easy to feel like you have nothing to offer other than your creativity or talent. You might not see yourself as someone with something valuable to learn from your elders.

But in reality, there are many lessons from previous generations that we can learn from today—and if you want to become a great artist someday, you should take advantage of every opportunity for guidance and advice!

They’re young and don’t know better:

It’s essential to understand why young rappers disrespect rap icons. They’re young and don’t know better. That’s because they need to be older to have experienced the golden age of hip-hop. Young rappers are influenced by the current state of hip-hop, which is dominated by auto-tune and trap music.

Young rappers who disrespect rap icons do so out of ignorance and poor taste. They think dissing the greats is cool because they don’t know any better. The fact that there is such a strong anti-older rapper sentiment among younger artists shows, how much damage has been done to hip-hop culture by the current generation of artists.

If you’re a young rapper who wants respect from other artists and fans alike. Try listening to some classic hip-hop songs instead of making fun of older artists on social media every chance you get. You’ll learn a lot about what it takes to become successful in this industry. How much respect you should give others while doing so!

Conclusion: Why do young rappers often disrespect Rap icons?

Ultimately, though, these disrespectful rappers should take a step back, put themselves in their predecessors’ shoes, and think about what it feels like to have their hip-hop culture turned against them. Imagine if you were an older rapper who spent years perfecting your craft only to have younger artists with little appreciation for the genre dismiss what you’ve worked so hard to create. The feelings and emotions you’d experience just sitting on the sidelines would be difficult enough to overcome, let alone to spit some bars at them. These rappers must realize that respect is earned—and when they do, hopefully, they’ll start showing more of it.

This article is written by @MusicInformant // All Rights Reserved.

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